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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

Every April 28, 1006A encourages our members to reflect on the National Day of Mourning and remember the thousands of workers killed, injured or made ill at work.

1006A participated in the Day of Mourning event at Woodbridge on April 26. Members at workplaces also observed this important day. 

All workers deserve to be safe.

This year, the Canadian Labour Congress has launched the "Safe Work Now" campaign to raise awareness and empower workers. The labour movement is calling on the governments across Canada to make work safer, starting with better enforcement of the Westray Law.

The CLC notes:

"This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Westray Law, named for the 26 workers in Plymouth, Nova Scotia who lost their lives in the 1996 Westray Mine explosion. Following this disaster, Canada’s unions – led by the United Steelworkers – lobbied for change, so that employers could be convicted of criminal negligence. In 2004, the Westray sections of the Criminal Code of Canada were brought into effect, allowing corporations to be held criminally liable for workplace deaths and injuries.

However, since its inception, only a handful of criminal charges have been laid, due to inconsistent and insufficient enforcement of the law. Most of these cases resulted in fines, which major corporations can easily pay. When criminal negligence leads to a death, people need to go to jail. Political leaders also still defer to business interests by weakening health and safety legislation, both provincially and federally."

On April 28, join your union in raising awareness for the "Safe Work Now" campaign. 

Together, we will create healthier and safe workplaces for all.



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