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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

Of Note: This news item is archived content from UFCW Canada Local 1000A.
Local 1000A and UFCW Canada Local 206 merged on May 1, 2016 to form UFCW Canada Local 1006A.

fingerscan_clockThe traditional punch clock is undergoing a makeover, in a very big way. Workers at all Loblaws, Real Canadian Superstores, and Great Food stores will be checking in and out of work by scanning a finger and entering their employee PIN number on the digital punch clock.

The Issue: Some members have approached the union with privacy concerns regarding the introduction of finger scan punch clocks throughout Loblaw Companies' various banners.

The Action: In response to members' concerns, the union's lawyers investigated the legality regarding the use of this new technology in your workplaces. Here's what they've discovered:

Biometric scanners introduced in similar workplaces have been legally challenged by UFCW Locals in Alberta and Ontario.

In each case, the Arbitrators ruled that these devices are appropriate in workplaces if adequate safeguards are in place to secure data storage, and that there is evidence that the system is necessary to address employer concerns relating to payroll or employee sign-in. In the eyes of the law, Loblaw Companies currently meet these requirements.

Conclusion: Your Union takes your privacy seriously. We will continue to monitor the implementation and use of such devices in your workplace to ensure that your privacy is protected.

How The New System Works: These finger-scan punch clocks will not capture or save fingerprint images. They store a mathematical representation of an individual's finger scan data. This data is then encrypted to protect the individual's privacy and can not be used to recreate that individual's fingerprint. To find out more information regarding how Loblaw Companies are using this technology, please contact your store manager.