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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

Health & Safety Representative Rick Young presented on Bill 132 at the Stewards’ Conference. The Bill amends a number of statutes in the Occupational Health and Safety Act pertaining to sexual violence, sexual harassment, and domestic violence.

UFCW Canada Local 1000A joined injured workers, labour activists, staff and leaders in rallying for justice outside the Ministry of Labour building in downtown Toronto on December 14, 2015.

Martha Villeda, WSIB Lead, Health and Safety Back-up for Local 1000A, said the labour movement is working hard with many partners to restore the Worker Compensation System to its original purpose —to protect workers.

“It’s shameful how Injured workers in Ontario are being abandoned by the very system that was created to protected them,” said Villeda, who was among Local 1000A staff at the rally. “We are here today to demand justice for injured workers and to advocate for safer workplaces across our province.”

ufcw-wsib-ontarioAngie Novosel loved working for Loblaws Great Food as a Natural Value Manager. For almost 13 years, Angie rarely missed a day.

“I was the most dedicated and loyal employee,” Angie said. “I put my heart and soul into my job. I took every course. I did everything they wanted me to.” Her dedication to the company was so evident that they had her do hiring as well as peer orientation.

On June 19, 2010, Angie’s life changed in an instant when she slipped and fell at work.

c-medinaFormer Kretschmar packer Chit Medina is thankful for the difference the union has made in her life.

After four years at the meat processing company, Medina was left with excruciating pain in her shoulder, back, neck and lower back that left her unable to work.

Her job, which involved a lot of repetitive work and heavy lifting, had taken its toll.

“I couldn’t take it anymore,” she said.

Unlike workers at non-union workplaces, Medina did not have to seek justice on her own.