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Of Note: This news item is archived content from UFCW Canada Local 1000A.
Local 1000A and UFCW Canada Local 206 merged on May 1, 2016 to form UFCW Canada Local 1006A.

Rachel-BoereLocal 1000A is pleased to congratulate the recipients of its 2013-2014 scholarships. Forty-two scholarships, worth $500 each, were awarded this year to members or children of members enrolled in post-secondary education based on a essay contest or creative submission.

Since the inception of the scholarship program in 2003, Local 1000A has helped hundreds of students and their families in the face of escalating undergraduate fees.

The increase has been drastic. In the 2003-2004 school year, Ontario students paid an average of $4,923 in undergraduate fees. In the 2012-2013 school year, students paid an average of $7,180—a jump of 46 per cent.

Local 1000A received many great submissions and we thank everyone who applied. For those who did not receive a scholarship this time, we strongly encourage you to apply again next year.

Congratulations and Best of Luck to Our Scholarship Winners!

(Your Union Rep will be contacting you to deliver the cheque)

Marina Abraham

Rebecca Aguiar

Jake Allen

Will Baigent

Sadie Bartoli

Rachel Boere

Thomason Cam

Leah Carson

Marisol Cartagena

Aqsa Choudhary

Azka Choudhary

Rosario Commisso

Matthew De Lio

Ilija Dimeski

Joshua Fuller

Danielle Giorgio

Laura Godard

Holly Graham

Mohamedabbas Hussain

Yong Hyun

Emily Hertel

Ellen James

Brenda Kansiime

Amy Labelle

Elizabeth Macmillan

Phoebe Miller

Mackenzie Morgan

Danny Nguyen

Robert O'Leary

Jeanne Oh

Siegal Ovada

Michael Paniccia

Melissa Parker

Kristan Perrone-Radford

Anja Prostran

Ernesto Ramos Jr.

Sowmiya Ratnakumaran

Fadak Raza

Ruth Rivas

Pathmavarshan Srivasanthakumar

Frederick Tan

Leo Tsang