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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.
stop-c377Canada’s union movement is under attack by the extreme right-wing policies of Stephen Harper's Conservative Government. Through the legislative backdoor, the Conservatives have submitted Private Members Bill C-377. The purpose of this Bill is to require unions to make their finances public, including assets, liabilities, and expenses. Unions already provide this information to their members through financial audits, reports, and regular membership meetings. The Conservatives want their corporate friends to have access to this information so that they can undermine unions.


Once again, the Harper Conservatives have shown their contempt for democracy with their plan to rush through Bill C-38 — a 450 page omnibus Federal Budget Implementation Bill with a sweeping agenda that will cause harm to UFCW Canada members, their families and millions other Canadians.

Bill C-38 would weaken the social safety net, environmental and workplace protections, and make changes to over 70 other laws without proper debate or full review.

IMG_0053Local 1000A is proud to congratulate Thomas Mulcair, on his victory on March 24 at the NDP Leadership Convention.

The Outremont MP was chosen by more than 57 per cent of voting delegates on the fourth and final ballot to become the next Leader of the Opposition.

jack_layton_tribute1“My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.”

---Jack Layton’s last letter released after his death